Water heaters are an indispensible part of most homes. A typical water heater has a life span of 10 to 15 years. At the end of the life span, water heaters generally require frequent plumbing service in Dallas, TX. While you can’t prevent the wear and tear of the water heaters, you can take a number of steps to extend the life of the heaters and save money on costly plumbing repair in Dallas, TX.
In this article, we will share some tips that can help you to extend the lifespan of the water heaters.
1. Install an Expansion Tank
You can potentially double the lifespan of the water heater by installing an expansion tank. This is particularly helpful when you use a closed system like a tankless water heater. When the heater warms the water from 50o to 120o, the water expands by about 2 percent. This means that a 50 gallon tank will produce about 1 extra gallon of water.
In case of a closed system, the valve will prevent excess water from flowing back into the main water line. As a result, the excess water will have nowhere to go but remain inside the water heater.
Rapid expansion and contraction of the water heater will place additional pressure inside the water tank. Over time, this can damage the inside of the tank, resulting in costly plumbing repair in Dallas, TX. Installing an expansion tank can greatly extend the lifespan of the tankless water heater, and also save you from the hassles of calling a professional plumber in Dallas, TX.
2. Install Additional Anode Rod
Another tip to extend the life of the tankless water heater and to reduce the need of a costly plumbing service in Dallas, TX is to install additional anode rods. The rod inside the tankless water heater is usually made of either aluminum or magnesium. Overtime, the rod undergoes galvanic corrosion to prevent rusting of the tank. Adding a second anode rod will provide additional protection against the rusting of the water heater.
3. Regularly Flush or Clean the Water Heater
Sediments build up inside the water tank over time. This can decrease the efficiency of the water heaters. Also, it will result in additional wear and tear of the tank requiring frequent service of a professional plumber in Dallas, TX.
Flushing the water tank can prevent the buildup of sediments inside the tank. You should hook the heater with a garden hose and drain the water down the drain. Consider cleaning the drain at least once a year to prevent the sediment buildup.
4. Buy Water Softeners
The water supplied in some states in the US has high mineral content. Water that contains a high mineral content is also known as hard water. The water with high mineral content results in scaling inside the tank that greatly reduces the lifespan of the heater.
Residents in areas where hard water is supplied should consider installing water softeners. These remove the excess minerals from the water that won’t accumulate inside the tank. As a result, there will be less need of calling in a plumbing service in Dallas, TX to repair or replace the water heater.
5. Pressure Regulating Valve
High water pressure can also damage the water heater. In case the water pressure is more than 90 PSI, you should consider installing a pressure regulating valve (PRV). A pressure regulating valve will reduce the wear and tear of the water heater due to high pressure, and extend its life.
6. Install Walter Filter
Apart from installing water softener for resolving the hard water problem, you can also install a water filter. The water filter will sift the mineral deposits from the water. Unlike water softeners that use ion exchange resins or salt to remove minerals from water, a water filter simply consists of a filter that blocks magnesium, calcium, and other minerals from the water.
7. Avoid Using Wire Nuts
Wire nuts should not be used to connect the wires of the electric heater to the main breaker panel. The reason is that wire nuts can cause an electrical fault that pose a fire hazard. Most modern water heaters have direct wiring harnesses that do not require additional wiring. However, some have a short wire and require splice connecting to the breaker panel. Instead of using wire nuts for such systems, a professional plumber in Dallas, TX will recommend use of an AC disconnect box in order to create a solid connection. This will protect the water heater circuitry from getting damaged due to an electrical fault. Also, it will reduce the risk of a fire inside the house.
8. Use Safe Temperature Setting
Setting the temperature too high can damage your water heater. It’s important that you set the temperature to about 122o. However, you don’t have to worry about maintaining a safe water temperature with modern water heaters. These heaters have computer controlled thermostats that will keep the temperature at a safe setting.
9. Ensure Proper Venting
Do you have a tankless water heater installed at home? If so, you should ensure proper venting of the device. This is important to remove harmful fumes from the system. Make sure that you install a venting system that properly expels the fumes from the unit. Proper venting will go a long way in ensuring optimal performance of the heating device.
10. Install Ball Valve
Consider installing ball valve on the inlet and outlet side of the water heater. The balls will make it easy to replace and service the tankless water heater. A little forward thinking in this respect will save you money in the long run.
The above tips can greatly help in extending the lifespan of the water heater. You should also consider having the water heater checked annually by a professional plumber. The extra effort in maintaining the water heater will result in great cost savings for you. For professional plumbing repair in Dallas, TX, you should contact Tioga Plumbing, Electric and Gas.
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